Our price list / full wholesale offer can be downloaded, without registration or logging in, by clicking on:

[ PRICE LIST CSV Format ] or [ PRICE LIST EXCEL Format ]

  • All prices are without VAT, if you have a valid VAT number we will invoice you with 0% VAT.
  • Please use Firefox or Edge webbrowser as Chrome is blocking the download.
  • Stock in .csv format price list is updated every hour, stock in .xls (Excel) format price list is updated only once a week.
  • .csv file can be open in one of the free programs: OpenOffice Calc or LibreOffice Calc (EAN should be treated as text). You can also open it in Microsoft Excel (after download > mouse right button > open as Excel)
  • If you need xml integration, please write to us.

If you have any problems with downloading price list, please send us an email You don’t have to register. Just send us your order on our price list (.csv or .xls format) and your company informations (address, VAT number and telephone number) and we will send you proforma invoice.

We are selling and shipping goods only to European Union. We are not shipping to Great Britain.

Please, check the delivery costs in DELIVERY menu.

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